Music Video Treatment

At only nineteen, Andre Jackson is releasing his second EP, The Art of Ambition, starring such songs as Game Over, Calling Me Out and Attitude. Jackson first emerged on the scene as an aspiring MC, taking inspiration from his older brothers, he got the opportunity to perform on Charlie Sloth’s Fire in the Booth, which rocketed his career into becoming a fully-fledged Grime artist. He has previously featured on songs with larger artists such as AJ Tracey, Giggs and Drake to raise his career even further before releasing this EP. His music and his fashion are a pure reflection of what it is like growing up with influences from the streets, adjusting or dealing with things in his life that most people will never have to do. As Grime is becoming increasingly popular, Andre is gaining fans, predominately from the UK, however, Grime is spreading towards the West coast of America, meaning that his songs and EP are going more global.

The song, No Words, contains a strong underlying message of tension between others that Andre doesn’t want to sort out, because he believes that he is retaining the high ground in this dispute. It also explains some of the girl problems that he has been having and attempting ways on how to resolve them. As grime ‘originated and always will remain on the streets’, most of the shots will have an urban setting and the clothing will be street/road to enforce the Grime conventions for the music video. As for the song itself, the beat is very mellow, but the song has constant drops in beat, which can allow for quick changes in shots and scenery. The video will show Andre Jackson as a person showing his anger and disgust with the situation he is in through his movement, hand gestures, facial expressions and most importantly the lyrics. His attire will match the anger and darkness of his mind which will consist of a tracksuit/baggy clothing with the colours of dark blue and grey. As the narrative isn’t that strong, the most part of the video will be performance based, Andre singing directly to the audience addressing the message of the song. Furthermore, I found from my audience research that a performance based music would be preferred over a narrative or concept based music video.

Furthermore, the song contains two artists, which means some of the verses will have to be sung by someone else. However, due to lack of availability and numerous people being camera shy, I am going to use actors and extras to present what is being said in the lyrics, to contain some narrative. It will show a girl and a boy sitting on the bed and the girl is showing her trust issues by constantly trying to look at her partners phone. His phone pings, and she starts shouting at him, even though he is protesting that it’s one of his friends messaging him, she storms out after hitting him and throwing pillows. The dominant locations of my music video will be the streets where Andre grew up, a city canal where Andre used to go to clear his head when he was younger and a bedroom where the narrative aspects of the music video will be taking place. However, towards the end, it will also show a larger house to show the success that the artist has experienced even if his life is affected by a little beef…


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